Kate and Margaret Fox home, Hydesville, New York.The story of Spiritualism begins with a small cabin in a rural town in western New York State. While the Weekmans lived in the house during 1846–7, they heard footsteps in the cellar, loud raps on the floors, doors and walls. They attempted to catch the perpetrator but were never successful. Their experiences continued. At one point, their eight-year-old daughter was wakened in the night by feeling something cold touching her face. Mr. Weekman heard his name called when he was alone. Their servant saw the apparition of a man in the bedroom. Needless to say, the Weekmans did not stay in the house long.

In December of 1847, John David Fox with his wife and two daughters, Catherine, aged twelve, and Margaretta, aged fifteen, became the next tenants. The family was frequently disturbed at night with the sounds as of furniture being moved or knocking on the doors and walls. Later, they heard gurgling, as if someone was being choked, and a body falling to the floor. Once, the girls were frightened by a large weight lying across their feet and a cold hand passing over their faces. It became impossible for them to sleep.

Mrs. Fox moved the girls into her room. On March 30th, noises seemed to come from everywhere. Trying to figure out what was happening, Mr. Fox stood on one side of the door and his wife on the other, but the rappings seemed to emanate from the door between them. The next morning was cold and snow had fallen. Wind rattled the sashes. Thinking they might be loose, Mr. Fox shook them. It was at that time that Catherine noticed the rappings seemed to respond. Every time Mr. Fox shook a window sash, the raps would imitate the number.

What had been terrifying the night before, now seemed more like a mystery to solve. Catherine snapped her fingers and said, “Here, old splitfoot, do as I do.” To everyone’s surprise, the raps matched the number of snaps. Margaretta joined in, clapping her hands a number of times. “Now do as I do,” she said. “Count one, two, three, four.” The rappings correctly responded. Catherine varied the game by making snapping motions without producing any sound. The rappings again responded correctly. Catherine said, “Look, mother, it can see as well as hear!”

Mrs. Fox put the mysterious rappings to a test. “Count ten,” she said. The rappings responded correctly. “How many children have I?” she added. “Seven,” they replied. At first she thought it was a mistake because she only had six living children. Then she realized the response included her child who had passed away. The family continued to test the mysterious rappings further. The ages of all her children were tapped out to order.

And that is how the communication began. Continued in Part II: Hydesville, NY.

Reference: Harry Boddington. “The University of Spiritualism.” iBooks. https://itun.es/us/M-oH1.l